Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Random Gyaan

Well its appraisal season and I have been getting so much of gyaan that I cant really handle. Its like a river gushing to cleanse all the dirt but then it will tend to overflow too....

I am passing on few things off as my gyaan of the day ;)

1. Failures pushes you to retrospect

We might be successful, kind, talented, cheerful, extrovert, helpful, satisfied ... but not all. Hence if you have something you will look for something else and this is a journey and this same journey will make you a better person. We are always better person with each experience

2. Sometimes let life happen

May be it is not a bad idea to let life take over and not fight. Assume you are fighting against the rushing gushing water and swimming against it. You are tired cause you have been fighting and the shore is nowhere to be seen. May it is a good time to just take couple of moments off, calm yourself, dont care where the life is taking you. Probably take a moment to enjoy it :) and then move on to fight again with fresh perspective.

3. Push down to go up

We have been told in school not to compare and personally we dont like comparison. My bro ( the lay ass) always used to ask my mom why she cant compare him with those who were not performing as well. I dont want to feel good comparing myself to someone not appropriate and feel good in my cocoon, but at that same time sometimes I do want to be aware of people who are managing just fine without the luxuries under question. It just want some assurance. It is like a rocket that take energy from below and push to propel above.

4. Give lots of gyaan

Damm, I am already feeling good. Well even assumption of failure gives you the license to give lot of gyaan. During teenage how many heartbroken friends gave new name of cribbing as giving gyaan. It helps them as much as it helps us.

5. Magic called sympathy

If nothing works there is a magic called sympathy. A snug on mom's lap to hug from bestie. Random vent out to acquaintance. If nothing works the word will spread and may be people hear you. Power of rumour. I was about to make a new pointer saying if nothing works spread rumour. Well not a very nice thing to do, how much ever you feel satisfied about revenge served cold :)

6. Believe in something

Believe in something - yourself, miracle, god... whatever name you give. Doesnt mean you will sit idle wait for miracle to happen but things will turn around and just matter of time when tables turn and you join the race back.

7. Look through the advice

I did not mean ignore the advice, like look through the advice as if you didnt see it. But look deeper to know people care and what could have been done better. I know what has happened is happened but doesnt mean it has to happen again to anyone and worse, to you. If at all it is some random advise and doesnt applicable to you, it might be what appears to people. It is worth knowing what optics are playing.

8. Derive strength from your strengths

Find your own personal way to derive strength from inside of you. It could be by thinking of all positive things that happened to you to how you helped someone in need to how you got a prize for your talent.

9. Spend on you

A late night icecream snack to extra bar of chocolate - retail therapy always works. It makes you worth spending that amount on yourself. ( in case you had any doubt)

10. dinchak

Music - dance, or what better that has both - Movies. If not a bath. Relax and take your mind off to keep yourself occupied. Simplest of all - smile. :)

Dude... I just feel i should have published this before for manager to flick this gyaan to give their subordinated and for peers - shoulders to cry on. Well and I get paid for it :D Damm it, its all about timing. Will keep that in mind.